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Why Gamers Sell New World Gold
Gold is one of the most important resources in every online game, and the same goes for the case of New World. This is because it allows players to buy things such as new gear and/or have their items upgraded. With a high number of players out there looking for gold, some gamers step up to the challenge and decide to sell New World gold to players online.

There are a couple more benefits of having gold, but all in all, the main takeaway is that one can never have enough of it. Players that have a lot of gold tend to progress much faster compared to the others; this is due to them having more access to getting better equipment and weapons for their character. Gold is required for almost every move that a player does in New World. Whether it be making purchases, crafting new weapons, or repairing broken ones, there’s always that constant battle of trying to have a healthy supply of the currency.
How to Farm Gold in New World
Farming currency isn’t always easy - most of the time, the entire process is tedious and boorish as players tend to repeat the same thing over and over again. Luckily, New World has various opportunities for players to earn gold right off the bat. Besides paying attention to the deals that may come their way and how the in-game economy is faring, here are a couple of tips that players in New World should know about farming gold in New World:
Rummaging Through Resources
New World is chock full of resources that are always ready for harvest. Materials such as steel, wood, and steel are some of the more common ones, but there are a couple that can be sold for a pretty penny as well. In the world of Aethernum, there are gathering nodes that players can find all over the land. Those nodes are where they can gather resources. Keep in mind that this type of farming in New World takes a lot more time than usual, but at the same time, it’s also the most accessible. Players from all walks of life can easily do this as the materials are available for everyone - as long as they make an effort to find them, at least.
In time, the demand for these materials and resources will soon rise as other players will need them if they want to level up their items. To keep as much profit as possible without wasting too much time, it’s recommended that players only prioritize gathering rare resources. While these types of materials are more difficult to find, they can fetch for a much higher price than what they assumed would go for. However, for those that don’t want to spend too much time sifting through the dirt trying to find a nugget of gold, those types of players can just opt to gather low to mid-level materials instead. While the reward/currency that players get from these types of resources is considerably lower, they’re easier to get, and thus they can get stacks of them in a matter of minutes.
Crafting the Materials
Players who only have a high level and have progressed quite a lot since the release of New World will be able to do this method, resulting in the art of crafting being a method of making money in the early stages of one’s playthrough becoming not necessarily a great one. For players that already have a high skill level, they can make items that are of better quality. Better quality items mean more value, and more value means more gold for the sellers.
There’s a reason why some of the top crafters in New World earn a ludicrous amount of gold in a short period. This is because they already have a stable number of clients who want to have their weapons upgraded, repaired, or even made from scratch. Gear and equipment always have to be updated, especially when reaching the mid-game and endgame parts of New World. For what it’s worth, starting players can also try to reach out to others that are looking for people to craft certain items. Heck, there’s even a bunch of guilds that are solely dedicated to crafting which is important for barters and traders in the game who want to put their profession to good use.
Sell Loot That’s Not Being Used
While this won’t necessarily be the main method that players will be doing to get gold, it’s worth noting to sell the loot that’s being gotten from rewards and completing quests that aren’t being used to have been outgrown. Replacing old gear that’s no longer fit for a player’s character because of how they’ve grown is a normal occurrence in New World. Instead of just throwing it away, why not make at least a minuscule amount of gold from it by selling it to a vendor?
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